Dr Aireen Napa - Inigo, CPA; Florinda Vigonde, LPT; Bebina Pakig, LPT


The book composed of nine chapters and in accordance with the syllabus framed by the Department of Education for K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, Senior High School – Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). This is an introduction for the preparation of financial statements, financial statement analysis and taxation.
It aims to provide Accountancy, Business and Management students with topics in simplified approach with procedural and strategic method for students can easily understand every topic. The vocabulary and terminology used in the text book is in accordance with the comprehension and maturity level of the students. It consists of problems, exercises and questions from easy to difficult applied in accounting principles, concepts and standards for better understanding of the subject.
This text takes the student through the basics: what are the different financial statements?; How to present financial statements with the notes to financial statements? How do the business interpret the financial statements using trends and ratios? What are the basic taxes in the business and individual? These knowledge will help them to gain the decision making and problem solving abilities in accounting and taxation.
The authors believe that this textbook will surely help the students in obtaining the necessary knowledge and skill in basic accounting for them to pursue their career in accountancy in college. As mentioned earlier, this text serves as their foundation which will help them to pass the Certified Public Accountant Board Examination.

Category : Senior High School

Tags : Physical copy only