Stephanie O. Busbus, PhD., LPT


The increased usage of technology worldwide is undeniable. Our daily lives revolve around technologies and new inventions that satisfy our needs. This case is also true in our educational system. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is a need. It is snow offered as a course and subject in institutions or universities to help learners cope with the new generation. With that, a policy and guideline is included to enhance the promotion of MIL.
The emergence of MIL policy and strategy is given power by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO believes that, in order to fully benefit from the media and information the people are getting access to, there is a need to empower their literacy on media and information. Thus, it forms the idea of Media and Information Literacy and Strategy. MIL program caters to the source of information. It guides the people to properly use the said sources to confer the need of proper response to the society in the formation of global and international literacy.

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